Wolverine Steel Erectors, Inc.
Our sister company, Wolverine Steel Erectors, was founded in 1987. They are an industry leader for steel erection services for Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. Capabilities include structural steel & pre-engineered steel erection, supply & erect, and certified welders. WSE is a MUST™ Safety Program Member.
Ann Arbor Fabrication, Inc. was founded in 1990 and has remained a single source provider of miscellaneous and fabricated steel since that time. A2Fab is considered the preferred source of structural and miscellaneous steel components by many South East Michigan construction contractors.
Concrete Contractors of Michigan, Inc.
Vanston/O'Brien has self performed concrete work for 20 years becoming successful enough that Concrete Contractors of Michigan was formed in 2008. Concrete abilities include foundations, poured walls, interior and exterior flatwork, structural slabs and machine pits, decorative surfaces and much more.
Vanston O'Brien, Inc. has been a Varco Pruden Buildings dealer since 1982. VP Buildings is a world leading pre-engineered building systems manufacturer. V/O's partnership with VP buildings has been a major factor in the success of our company.